Friday, June 27, 2014

Daring Bakers: Cinnamon Rolls

This month the Daring Bakers kept our creativity rolling with cinnamon bun inspired treats. Shelley from C Mom Cook dared us to create our own dough and fill it with any filling we wanted to craft tasty rolled treats, cinnamon not required!

It has been forever since I have managed to do a Daring Kitchen challenge, and even longer since I have managed to post about it.  Well looks like Cinnamon rolls were enough to get me out of retirement.  When I first saw the challenge I was pretty sure I was just going to make your standard cinnamon rolls - nothing fancy.  Then I saw all the delicious looking variations and decided on the roasted banana cinnamon rolls with maple glaze. 

They went together very easily - the banana's roast while you are letting the dough rise on top of the stove.  I only had two issues:

1 - My daring twist to this recipe was boiling down the maple syrup.  A friend of mine gave me a jar of syrup from his maple trees - he had boiled it down some but still way too thin.  The only advise I would give to this - is make sure to keep an eye on it.  The syrup boiled all over my stove - lots of fun to clean that up.  The syrup was delicious though :)

2 - My other issue was that I put these together at night and baked them in the morning to bring to work.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to drive 45 minutes to work with fresh cinnamon buns in the car - almost impossible.

I did make it to work without even tasting one and my co-workers appreciated it.  They were gobbled up in short order and got lots of complements.  They were very good - loved the banana - just enough for some good banana flavor without being overwhelming - and the maple glaze added just a hint of maple flavor - a very nice combination.

Hopefully will be back posting more soon.  As always - if you you want to check out this recipe or any of the other great Daring Kitchen challenge recipes check them out here.


  1. Yay, Todd, I am so excited to see you baking and posting with us for this one, and SO glad that the roasted banana buns came out so well! I can't imagine how sticky that maple-mess was to clean, but can TOTALLY imagine how popular you must have been at work that day ;)

  2. These look so delicious. And I bet they make the whole house smell fabulous while cooking.
